Highly Sensitive People: How Are You Dealing With This Difficult Time?

As a highly sensitive person, I feel a sense of overwhelm from all the news that’s coming out about the corona virus. Under normal circumstances, we are like human sponges that takes in everything around us. For me, I’m particularly upset about this situation because of basic fear, lack of being in control, and uncertainty of what’s going to happen in the future. Can any of you relate to this? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: What Do You Expect?

As a highly sensitive person, I expect everything to be perfect! Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. Do you have positive or negative expectations? What expectations do you have about yourself, other people, business and personal events, and life in general. Your attitude determines the positive or negative results that you get. The amount of happiness you have is determined by your ability to expect the best in every situation. (more…)

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do You Get The Best Out Of Yourself?
Photo by Gentrit Sylejmani

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do You Get The Best Out Of Yourself?

Do you do the best with what you have? I read an interesting article by Stephen Pelletier, who was an executive vice president and CEO of Prudential Insurance. He recalled his experience attending the 2014 USA Games of the Special Olympics in New Jersey.

Mr. Pelletier’s thoughts are as follows:

The talents that were showcased were inspirational and served as reminders that disabled people should be given an opportunity to thrive in the workplace.

My son, Tom, a participant in the Special Olympics, has received a medal in swimming. He is nearly blind and was diagnosed on the autism spectrum as an infant. Tom is also an accomplished chef and a skilled technologist who knows his way around a computer far better than his father does. (more…)

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Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

As highly sensitive people and introverts, we can easily become overwhelmed by the daily stresses of life. While a small amount of stress can motivate us to function at our best, too much stress can take a devastating toll on our physical and emotional health.

One of the most common reasons for feeling overwhelmed is the feeling that we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. (more…)

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