#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Blush?

Do you blush? I do! Very easily I may add. Any number of emotions and physical reactions can set it off. It’s embarrassing sometimes, but I’ve learned to live with it. My blushing can come at a moment’s notice. I can’t prepare for it, it’s a natural reaction for me. Here are some ways my blushing manifests itself:

  • When I feel overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed is a natural occurrence when you go above your emotional and physical limits. I use blushing as my natural barometer to take a break and rest. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: What’s The Worst Criticism Of All?

As highly sensitive people, what is the worst kind of criticism that has the most long lasting impact on us?

Here’s something to think about:

“There is one thing I have noticed about myself, the less I judge myself, the less I can be judged. Which makes me think that others can’t make us feel judged, it is us who judge ourselves.”... Pascal Woudenberg (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Have Self-Esteem Or Perfectionism Issues?

What gets in your way? Lack of self-esteem or being a perfectionist? The answers to these questions will come to you when you use your highly sensitive deep-thinking capabilities.

A lack of self-esteem comes from not believing in yourself or your abilities. These negative feelings of not being worthy probably stem from childhood experiences. We’ve all had them. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Need A Tip To Handle Annoying People?

Are their times when people get under your skin? Do they push all of your emotional and physical buttons? I’m sure that we can all relate to this.

Well, I have a remedy for this unpleasant aspect in our lives. Are you ready? Here it is…KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS! Don’t feed into an annoying person’s desire to get you angry and throw you off kilter. (more…)

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