Highly Sensitive People: Are You Or Have You Been Involved With “Takers”?

As a highly sensitive person, my honest intention is to help others when I can. I’ve been involved with many “takers” in my life.  Are you or have you been involved with “takers”?

I define “takers” as people who come to you for advice or a favor. You only hear from them when they  want or need something. These types of people can’t usually be relied upon for a favor or support.  They can come in the form of relatives, friends, acquantances, and business associates. Can you relate to this? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Do You Need Some Uplifting Words?

As a highly sensitive person, I’m trying to find anything that will uplift my mood and give me hope during these troubled times. I recent heard a song on the radio that did just that! The song was “I Can See Clearly Now”, a #1 hit, written and recorded by Johnny Nash. Originally released in 1972, it achieved blockbuster success in the US and the United Kingdom. This song was later recorded by many artists throughout the years, including versions by Jimmy Cliff and Bob Marley. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Does Perfectionism Get In You Way?

I’m a highly sensitive person and a perfectionist. These characteristics seem to be linked together. Perfectionism can be a strength if it’s not taken to the extreme, though it also has some major drawbacks.

“Absolute perfection is impossible to achieve,” you will insist, and of course you’ll be correct. But what is so wrong about making an extraordinary effort in every task that you undertake? As a productive force, perfectionism provides the drive to do one’s best. (more…)

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