#HighlySensitivePeople: What Are Some Characteristics Of Achievers?

What are some characteristics of achievers? I’m going to list a few of mine. I’m sure that you can relate to some of them as a highly sensitive person. They are as follows:

  • More concerned about personal achievement than the rewards of success. I get great satisfaction from doing something well. The monetary reward is secondary, though I’m not against making money and enjoying the benefits and freedom that it provides. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You In Your Proper Work Environment?

Are you in your proper work environment? What type of environment are you drawn to? What kind of environment can you grow and thrive in? These questions will give you a good idea to see if you’re in your proper place.

It’s critical to examine where you are now and where you want to be. This will determine your happiness and productivity. Your health is greatly impacted by the choices you make. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Is Discomfort Bad?

At first glance, discomfort does seem bad, but it can prevent you from expanding the many possibilities that you have. It’s human nature to want to stay in your comfort zone, but does this help you?

Questioning your discomfort is a good starting point to see if your uneasy feelings are justified. If not, why not go for it? If so, it might be a good idea to dig deeper about the cause. Perhaps your angst is coming from somewhere else that needs to be explored and examined. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You An Effective Complainer?

As a highly sensitive person, I don’t like conflict, but sometimes it’s necessary to fight for what we want and deserve. Getting what you want requires a willingness to be a little irritating. As the old adage goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The people who complain the most get the most attention—and fair or not, they get what they want. Yet most of us are uncomfortable with the idea of complaining. We don’t want to make a noise about things, much less an irritating one. Use a complaint as an opportunity to find a solution and improve the situation. (more…)

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