Highly Sensitive People: What Are Your Biggest Obstacles For Achievement?

I know from personal experience of being a highly sensitive person that the biggest obstacles for achievement are fear and pessimism. Since these roadblocks originate in the mind, it’s important to examine our recurring thought patterns.

Are your thoughts usually positive, or do you focus on the worst that can happen? Does change frighten you? Are you open to new ways of thinking and doing things? These are important questions to answer. Unless we examine our thoughts, we can easily get trapped in old, familiar patterns that don’t serve us. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you need some tips to find your passion?

Do you need some tips to find your passion? The most common question that I get asked is…How do I find my passion? It’s critical for deep-thinking, creative, highly sensitive people find their passion. We have a burning desire to utilize our strengths and talents, so that we can maximize our potential.

What is passion? It’s a powerful and enthusiastic desire to accomplish something. Some people search a lifetime to figure out what makes them excited and motivated. Others are born knowing what they want to do. Most of us fall somewhere in between. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Does honesty really improve health?

Benjamin Franklin once quipped that “honesty was the best policy.” It certainly builds better personal and business relationships. Those are great benefits, but are there more?

Yes! Honesty also improves health. Even researchers now are studying the effects, including Anita E. Kelly, a psychology professor at the University of Notre Dame. Kelly conducted a study called “The Science of Honesty” to determine how living an honest life impacts health. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you need to be motivated?

You know something important needs to be done, but somehow, you lack the drive to take action. You might feel guilty, and this alone will make you less motivated.

Success can’t be achieved without motivation. Where is the source of your motivation? Where can you turn to for the inspiration to propel you forward? Below are some suggestions:

  • Visualize completing the task and reaching your objective. Never lose sight of your ultimate goal. It could be getting a job promotion and a bigger paycheck, or finishing another chapter in the book you’re writing, or losing five pounds by the end of the month. Seeing yourself achieving these goals will motivate you to take action. (more…)

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