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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you have trouble making decisions?

Many highly sensitive people, as well as others, have trouble making decisions. However, we must make decisions in life, whether we want to or not. Not making a decision is a decision. We make simple choices, such as what time to get up each morning, as well as more difficult ones.

Some people are very decisive when it comes to avoiding decisions. ~ Brendan Francis

Decision making is a definite challenge for me because of my fear of making a mistake, which is due to my highly sensitive and perfectionist character trait. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s better to make wrong decisions and learn from my mistakes than to endlessly weigh pros and cons. When I avoid or postpone decisions, I feel a sense of powerlessness.

Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from making bad decisions. ~author unknown

My decision-making skills improved dramatically when I developed clear-cut strategies to better manage the process. This allowed me to have the self-confidence to make difficult choices. I haven’t totally lost my fear or apprehension, but I’m more willing to venture forward to take an action, whether it’s right or wrong.

I find that decisions become a lot easier when I adopt a positive attitude, though this can be difficult since decisions often center around “problems.” However, most problems, when properly perceived, can become opportunities. In Chinese, the word for “crisis” is formed by two symbols, one represents danger and the other represents opportunity. Decisions, though they can be uncomfortable and involve risk, can also lead to amazing opportunities for growth.

Don’t let fear keep you from living your best life. By trusting your own instincts and leveraging other strategies, you’ll become more confident in your ability to make decisions. Life is a series of adjustments. Make these adjustments, and you will eventually make your “right” choices.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. ~ Will Rogers

Do you have trouble making decisions? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

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