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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you afraid of feeling or looking foolish?

It’s always been a fear of mine to feel or appear looking foolish. This stems from my underlying feeling of insecurity. As I get older,  life experience has taught me to have more confidence in my thoughts about myself and the actions that I take.

Are you afraid of feeling or looking foolish? Why so? What can you do to help yourself? I’m interested in any thoughts or comments that you have.

This is a quote that I wish I would have read in my younger years that puts this subject in a greater perspective:

“One of the great mistakes in life is suffering for years because you didn’t want to feel foolish for five minutes.

  • You don’t want to apologize, so you let a relationship deteriorate.
  • You’re scared of the sting of rejection, so you don’t ask for what you want.
  • You fear people will say your idea is dumb, so you never start the business.

Nobody likes feeling foolish, but the feeling fades quickly. The willingness to endure five minutes of discomfort turns out to be a meaningful dividing line in life.”   James Clear

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