#HighlySensitivePeople: Why don’t you take responsibility for your actions?

Do you take responsibility for your actions? I'm frustrated because it seems that people don't take responsibility for anything. There's finger pointing and blaming others for things that are their own fault. Here are some reasons why people may struggle with taking responsibility for their actions: Fear of Consequences: People might avoid taking responsibility because they fear the consequences of their actions, such as punishment, criticism, or damage to their reputation. Ego Protection: Admitting fault can be challenging for some individuals because it requires them to acknowledge their shortcomings or mistakes, which can bruise their ego or self-image. Avoidance of Discomfort: Taking responsibility often involves facing uncomfortable emotions like guilt, shame, or embarrassment. Some individuals may try to avoid these feelings by denying or deflecting…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you an energy conservationist?

Are you an energy conservationist? By that, I mean, do you know your energy drains that deplete your energy? If not, how can you conserve your energy? Here are some examples of some of my energy drains and what you can do about them:

  • Unnecessary chit-chat— Unless there is a major event happening, we can’t be available to just chat at all hours. Set boundaries for yourself about how much chat time that you need. Socializing is extremely important, so is quiet time that we highly sensitive people/introverts need. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: What questions should you avoid asking yourself? (Part 3)

Here are a few more examples of questions that highly sensitive people may want to avoid asking themselves: Why can't I just tough it out? This question may reinforce negative beliefs about sensitivity and can be self-critical. Instead, focus on developing self-compassion and self-care strategies that honor your needs and limitations. Why can't I handle stress like other people do? This question may reinforce negative beliefs about sensitivity and can be self-critical. Instead, focus on developing stress management strategies that work for you, such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a supportive friend. Why do I always feel so overwhelmed? This question may reinforce negative beliefs about sensitivity and can be self-critical. Instead, try to identify your triggers for overwhelmnd develop strategies to manage them…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: What are questions that you shouldn’t ask yourself? (Part 2)

Here are some more examples of questions that you might want to avoid asking yourself: Why can't I handle more like other people can? This question may be self-critical and may not take into account the unique nature of sensitivity. Instead, focus on what works best for you and what you need to feel comfortable and supported. Why am I always so affected by what others say or do? This question may reinforce negative beliefs about sensitivity and can be self-critical. Instead, try reframing your emotions as valuable signals that provide insight into your inner experiences and needs. Why can't I just be normal? This question may be self-critical and may not take into account the unique nature of sensitivity. Instead, try to accept and…

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