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Photo by Evan Kirby

What would the world be like if it were run by HSPs and Introverts?

This is a difficult question to research, since there probably aren’t many examples of HSPs and Introverts in political office. Think about it. How many of us would subject ourselves to the abuse one has to take in order to run for a major office? Also, while we may have strong leadership and problem-skills, we are unlikely to possess the personality traits that you commonly find in politicians. For example, we don’t have narcissistic or Machiavellian tendencies or a high degree of extraversion.

With those thoughts aside, let’s dream, shall we? What would the world be like if we were in charge?

  • There would be less conflict and more compromise. We dislike conflict and are natural peacemakers, so there would be less war and political infighting. We would use our diplomatic abilities to settle differences, seeking to unite rather than divide. We would call in the experts and make sure that we have the wisest people handling the most difficult and sensitive negotiations on both foreign and domestic matters. (more…)

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Cliff’s Priority #3 Doing what I was meant to do.

One of my priorities is to discover and fulfill my ever-evolving life purpose. At this stage, I feel that my “mission” is to create useful and inspiring content for highly sensitive people. Drawing upon my personal experience as a HSP, I want to help others realize that high sensitivity, once you understand it, can be used to your advantage. My goal is to emphasize the strengths of high sensitivity and to encourage others to work with what they have.

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Cliff’s Priority #2 Do you worry too much?

A very important priority for me is to reduce my excessive worrying. Have you ever gotten to a point where you feel like you’re worrying about everything — a point where there’s an almost constant buzz of anxiety just waiting to bubble up to the surface? I’m sure that many highly sensitive people can relate to this fretful state of mind!

One thing I’ve realized is that worry is a mindset. Once you’re caught up in the belief that everything is just about to fall apart, your brain will automatically seek evidence to validate that belief. It’s called confirmation bias. My plan is to catch myself and try to shift my state of mind before my worries get out of hand. I’m going to do this by taking a rational look at the purpose and usefulness of worry. (more…)

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Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence by Rhett Power

Emotional intelligence determines how well you do at work. Do you have the traits that define it?

If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.

At least that’s what Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., well-known writer and researcher on leadership who wrote the best-seller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, says. Goleman has dedicated his work to finding out what makes people successful. (more…)

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