Highly Sensitive People: Can You Teach A Cat To Moo?

As a highly sensitive person, how often do you expect others to act in a way that they are not capable of? I often do this! Frustration over the behavior of other people is a major source of stress for highly sensitive people.

I was doing a social experiment with my cats, Prissy and Charlie. I looked at them and asked them to moo. I then let out a few long, loud moos. I was hoping they would catch on! They looked at me strangely and thought I was crazy. I think they wanted to do it, but felt unsure how to do so. As much as they wanted to, they didn’t have the capacity to moo. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Do Think You Deserve To Be Happy?

People who are highly sensitive feel things very deeply, and this can make us vulnerable to getting stuck in a negative mindset. On the flip side, we also feel joy deeply, so if we can find ways to be happy, we’ll get an amazing return on our investment!

It should be pretty obvious that everyone deserves to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind, a reaction to the experiences in our lives. Some of us have the good fortune to be born with a happy disposition. Others might have to “work” at being happy.

Where do you fit into the happiness spectrum? Do you focus more on the positive or negative things in your life? Does it bother you to be unhappy, or are you accustomed to it? (more…)

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People: Do you think out of the box?
Photo by Diego Phi

Highly Sensitive People: Do you think out of the box?

I came across an article about a girl scout selling her cookies outside of a marijuana dispensary. There was a bit of controversy about her going to such an unconventional location, but to me, this girl was thinking out of the box. She went to a place where she knew people would have “the munchies” and was richly rewarded by selling 117 boxes in 2 hours!

This story reminds me of a time when my daughter was selling girl scout cookies. This was a time when girl scout cookies cost $2.25 per box! Anyway, she excitedly came home and told me that she wanted to sell 150 boxes to get a cool sweatshirt. She mentioned that she could start selling on a specific day after school. (more…)

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