#HighlySensitivePeople: Is Happiness A Choice?

Is happiness a choice? It depends on who you ask. If a person is relatively happy with their lives, they might say that they made the right choices that made them that way. If a person is unhappy, they might say that they were a victim of circumstances.

Where do you fit in? Success and happiness are intertwined. Are you successful? Success can mean having a fulfilling career, being a loving parent, having wonderful relationships, or maybe having a sense of control over your life. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You Growing Into Your True Self?

Are you growing into your true self? This sounds like an odd question doesn’t it? By growing into your true self I mean, acting like you want to be and taking actions needed to be or do what you want to accomplish.

This isn’t an easy task when you’re starting something new and unfamiliar. You have to be unafraid to make mistakes and looking foolish. Being open to criticism is also part of the process. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: How Do You Make Others Feel?

How do you make others feel? Are people genuinely glad to see you? Do they feel better or uplifted by your presence or actions? Self-awareness of this is the secret to attracting the “right people” to you.

Although I’m not perfect, I try to be a positive force whenever I meet someone in person or communicate with them through my writing. My personal philosophy is to take a genuine interest in the welfare of others. I get a sense of personal satisfaction when I can serve or encourage others through my HSP Coaching, blog, and social media. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: How “Connected” Are You?

How “connected” are you? Studies show that our capacity to connect with other people plays an important role in our personal happiness, longevity, and ability to handle stress.

Unfortunately, since highly sensitive people tend to need a lot of “alone” time, it’s relatively easy to get caught up in our own “little worlds”. While it’s healthy to have some alone time, we need to be careful that we don’t take it too far and become socially isolated. (more…)

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