#HighlySensitivePeople: Are your choices feeding your happiness or draining your spirit?

Are your choices feeding your happiness or draining your spirit? As highly sensitive people, we often feel deeply, reflect often, and notice nuances others might overlook. This sensitivity gives us a profound ability to evaluate whether our actions align with our values and contribute to our well-being. But here’s a gentle nudge: are you using that gift to cultivate your happiness? Happiness isn’t some elusive trait we’re born with or without. It’s built from the choices we make each day. As HSPs, our intuition is a powerful guide. We have the ability to sense the ripple effects—both uplifting and draining—of our decisions. Are you listening to what your intuition is trying to tell you? Here are a few thoughts on how we, as HSPs, can…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you have seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

As a highly sensitive person, I have to be aware of the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. Each winter, 500,000 people in the United States are said to become depressed and suffer from seasonal affective disorder or SAD, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. The cause of this disorder is the decrease in the amount of available daytime light, an amount that drops from the long days of summer months.

It’s not the lack of light that causes a drop in mood specifically, it’s how that drop in light causes reactions in the body. Research from the Mayo Clinic suggests that lack of light can do one of three things in the body to cause depression. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you accept yourself as you are?

I partcipate in many online forums. I’m distressed to find that many highly sensitive people, introverts, empaths, and people that are shy and/or have social anxiety would like to be something that they are not. You may be surprised at how many people lack the ability to accept themselves for who they are. Many people are able to put on a front so they appear self-confident when they really aren’t. 

The good news is that, even if you’re one of these people, you can learn how to accept yourself. If you’re suffering from low self worth and confidence, you really do have the ability to turn things around! (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you take advantage of these important highly sensitive person traits?

Do you take advantage of these important highly sensitive person traits? Here's some information that will get you to think more about this question. Shark Tank judge Robert Herjavec shared some business insights with Steve Strauss of USA Today. Q: You started with so little and became incredibly successful in business. What do you think you did right? Robert Herjavec: There really is no silver bullet. What it took, and what it takes, is constant perseverance. You have to strive to be a little bit better every day. When I was a waiter, I wanted to be the best waiter I could be and worked to be better at it every day. You know, eventually we all get our asses kicked, so what you have…

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