#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you need tips to be a more confident person?

Below is a list of tips to boost your self-confidence from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprising the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. Strengthen your mind. Self-confidence is a state of mind that can be achieved through intentional action. Allotting time to nurture your mind, body and spirit (preferably one hour a day) can be done in a variety of ways. I prefer to read, exercise and meditate in the morning. If you’re not taking time for yourself, then you’re allowing someone or something to shape your view of the world.  —Dustin Cucciarre, BryghtAds Inc. Discard the negative thoughts you don’t need. A whole new branch of psychology is dedicated to mindfulness, but it boils down to this: Negative thoughts and insecurities…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Does honesty really improve health?

Benjamin Franklin once quipped that “honesty was the best policy.” It certainly builds better personal and business relationships. Those are great benefits, but are there more?

Yes! Honesty also improves health. Even researchers now are studying the effects, including Anita E. Kelly, a psychology professor at the University of Notre Dame. Kelly conducted a study called “The Science of Honesty” to determine how living an honest life impacts health. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you need to be motivated?

You know something important needs to be done, but somehow, you lack the drive to take action. You might feel guilty, and this alone will make you less motivated.

Success can’t be achieved without motivation. Where is the source of your motivation? Where can you turn to for the inspiration to propel you forward? Below are some suggestions:

  • Visualize completing the task and reaching your objective. Never lose sight of your ultimate goal. It could be getting a job promotion and a bigger paycheck, or finishing another chapter in the book you’re writing, or losing five pounds by the end of the month. Seeing yourself achieving these goals will motivate you to take action. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you losing your patience?

Are you losing your patience? Unfortunately I am. Sometimes, things seem to bother me more as I get older. This is frustrating because I assumed that I’d be more tolerant and wiser at this stage in my life. Do you feel this way?

I decided that a self-assessment is needed to help alleviate my angst. What is actually bothering me? What can I do about it? These are very important questions that we need to ask ourselves when we feel more agitated than usual. (more…)

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