Read more about the article Do you need more HSP tips for the holiday blues?
Photo by Bob Ricca

Do you need more HSP tips for the holiday blues?

Are you still getting the holiday blues? If so, below are some excellent tips from Brandielee Baker, a professional coach/strategist specializing in conflict resolution/negotiation, performance optimization and wellness.

  • Tell the truth! I’m not saying you need to publicly broadcast it. But, if you want any chance of passing through the blues, you must, must, must, honor how you REALLY feel. Write it down AND speak out loud. Just “thinking” about it in your head will NOT produce the same beneficial effects. Here is an example to help you get started. EXAMPLE: “I am really feeling overwhelmed and sad this holiday season. It is important for me to acknowledge my struggles. I understand that by doing so I am releasing some of the pressure that I have put on myself to fit in and be happy. I also understand that by releasing this pressure I am giving myself the opportunity to relax and by relaxing I am giving myself the possibility for a better experience.” (more…)

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Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence by Rhett Power

Emotional intelligence determines how well you do at work. Do you have the traits that define it?

If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.

At least that’s what Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., well-known writer and researcher on leadership who wrote the best-seller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, says. Goleman has dedicated his work to finding out what makes people successful. (more…)

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Read more about the article Want to stop indecision?
Photo by Justin Luebke

Want to stop indecision?

Decision making can definitely be a challenge for highly sensitive people! As highly conscientious, deep- thinking people, we may overthink decisions or feel overwhelmed by the many options and outcomes.  Below is an excellent article on the topic, which outlines how important state of mind is when it comes to making decisions.

Stop the Indecision: How to Eliminate Bad Habits that Cloud Your Thinking By Luda Kopeikina

You know how you feel when you have a “light bulb” moment—when suddenly the solution to a problem becomes crystal clear. What if those were regular occurrences instead of elusive moments? (more…)

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Read more about the article Act in the (imperfect) moment by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner
Photo by Quino Al

Act in the (imperfect) moment by Michelle Sutton-Kerchner

Below is an interesting article about perfectionism by fitness writer Michelle Sutton-Kerchner.

Procrastination is a lifestyle for many. The perfectionist in us delays tasks until they can be executed flawlessly. The result: A growing list of ignored workouts, unfinished projects, and missed lifetime opportunities.

Stop waiting for the perfect time. It’s already here …


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