Cliff’s Priority #3 Doing what I was meant to do.

One of my priorities is to discover and fulfill my ever-evolving life purpose. At this stage, I feel that my “mission” is to create useful and inspiring content for highly sensitive people. Drawing upon my personal experience as a HSP, I want to help others realize that high sensitivity, once you understand it, can be used to your advantage. My goal is to emphasize the strengths of high sensitivity and to encourage others to work with what they have.

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The Barrier of Worry by Amy McNeil

Are you a chronic worrier? According to Dr. Elaine Aron, highly sensitive people tend to become easily overwhelmed by life, which leads to worry, stress, and anxiety. Many of us are such chronic worriers that we accept this triad of fear as a normal part of life. We fail to see the ways that worry harms us and blocks us from our best selves. (more…)

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What is a priority for you? For me, it’s being healthy.

As I get older, a very important priority for me is to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can. Over the past few years, I faced prolonged health problems and had issues with my new doctors. These health concerns affected every aspect of my life, from the personal to the physical to the emotional.

I was extremely motivated to get into a routine that would return me to a healthy state. After getting a medical clearance from my doctors, I decided to go back to the gym. I met with a personal trainer and told him about my medical issues. We came up with a reasonable program that would put me on the path to fitness, a goal that would boost both my physical and emotional health. (more…)

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Read more about the article Do you need more HSP tips for the holiday blues?
Photo by Bob Ricca

Do you need more HSP tips for the holiday blues?

Are you still getting the holiday blues? If so, below are some excellent tips from Brandielee Baker, a professional coach/strategist specializing in conflict resolution/negotiation, performance optimization and wellness.

  • Tell the truth! I’m not saying you need to publicly broadcast it. But, if you want any chance of passing through the blues, you must, must, must, honor how you REALLY feel. Write it down AND speak out loud. Just “thinking” about it in your head will NOT produce the same beneficial effects. Here is an example to help you get started. EXAMPLE: “I am really feeling overwhelmed and sad this holiday season. It is important for me to acknowledge my struggles. I understand that by doing so I am releasing some of the pressure that I have put on myself to fit in and be happy. I also understand that by releasing this pressure I am giving myself the opportunity to relax and by relaxing I am giving myself the possibility for a better experience.” (more…)

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