Highly Sensitive People: Do You Have Faith In Yourself?

As highly sensitive people, we often lack faith in ourselves, to withstand the good times and bad.  A lack of faith acts as a barrier that keeps us from leading our happiest and most productive lives.

Would you like to take your mind off of these troubling times and do something productive? Now is the perfect time to take to an inventory of yourself. Believing in yourself is a crucial ingredient for success. Few people ever do anything outstanding without having faith in themselves. If faith is weak, a person’s efforts will be weak. If faith is strong, it can unlock your power and spur you to use your natural abilities or develop new ones. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Are You An Optimist Or A Pessimist?

It’s important to give an honest answer to this question. First impression…Who would you most like to be around, someone who has a positive or negative attitude?

What sounds more appealing to you? A person who looks for the positive in every bad circumstance, or a person that looks and waits for something bad to happen? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: How Will You Handle The Road Of Life?

We, the young and the old, are currently going through one of the most difficult times of our lives. There is so much fear because of the upheaval of our normal routines and the uncertainty of what’s going to happen in the future. Unfortunately, we can’t avoid these difficult times throughout our lives.  I conceived of an idea of comparing my travels throughout my life. My inspiration resulted in the piece below about my journey of twists, turns, and obstacles…something I’m sure all highly sensitive people can relate to! (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: A Good Diversion!

On Saturday, the weather in Missouri, USA, was getting nicer, not too warm, not to cold, to do some yard work that I had been putting off. About a month ago, I bought fertilizer for my lawn that I figured that I would need soon. I’m glad that I did this, because now, I don’t want to leave the house, nor should I!

I thought that this day was the perfect time for me to take on this chore. I don’t like to do yard work, but I like to enjoy the results that it produces. I had a goal of fertilizing the lawn around my house. As I got started, I built up momentum to clear away some brush and do some weeding. This had to be done anyway, so I figured I’d do this at one time. Start, finish, and be done. That’s the way I like to do things! (more…)

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