#HighlySensitivePeople: Can you “profit” From Your unrest?

When highly sensitive people are uncomfortable, we automatically see it as a bad thing. Though nobody enjoys discomfort, the truth is that it can serve as an important wake-up call to alert us to changes that we need to make in our lives. We can learn a lot about ourselves if we take the time to investigate the source of our unrest.

Have you ever felt bad and not known why? Have you ever argued with, or hated someone for no good reason? Have you ever felt “road rage” towards other drivers? The main reason that these things happen is because you’re not plugged into your feelings. If you feel terrible or act irrationally toward someone, there is a reason for it. If you seek to understand and reflect upon the cause of your unrest, you can use it to your benefit rather than to your detriment. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you losing your patience?

Are you losing your patience? Unfortunately I am. Sometimes, things seem to bother me more as I get older. This is frustrating because I assumed that I’d be more tolerant and wiser at this stage in my life. Do you feel this way?

I decided that a self-assessment is needed to help alleviate my angst. What is actually bothering me? What can I do about it? These are very important questions that we need to ask ourselves when we feel more agitated than usual. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Is Discomfort Bad?

At first glance, discomfort does seem bad, but it can prevent you from expanding the many possibilities that you have. It’s human nature to want to stay in your comfort zone, but does this help you?

Questioning your discomfort is a good starting point to see if your uneasy feelings are justified. If not, why not go for it? If so, it might be a good idea to dig deeper about the cause. Perhaps your angst is coming from somewhere else that needs to be explored and examined. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You An Effective Complainer?

As a highly sensitive person, I don’t like conflict, but sometimes it’s necessary to fight for what we want and deserve. Getting what you want requires a willingness to be a little irritating. As the old adage goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The people who complain the most get the most attention—and fair or not, they get what they want. Yet most of us are uncomfortable with the idea of complaining. We don’t want to make a noise about things, much less an irritating one. Use a complaint as an opportunity to find a solution and improve the situation. (more…)

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