Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?

As highly sensitive people and introverts, we can easily become overwhelmed by the daily stresses of life. While a small amount of stress can motivate us to function at our best, too much stress can take a devastating toll on our physical and emotional health.

One of the most common reasons for feeling overwhelmed is the feeling that we have too much to do and not enough time to do it. (more…)

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Where can you find your best “teachers?”

As highly sensitive people, most of us have a natural curiosity about the world and have a passion for learning. Sometimes we may want to explore something, but have no idea where to start. The good news is that there are “teachers” all around us.

They come disguised as people from all walks of life. Life lessons may arise from everyday situations that happen to us, both good and bad. Your next teacher could be a neighbor, friend, co-worker,  acquaintance, hairdresser, or even a stranger that you strike up a conversation with on the train. (more…)

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Cliff’s “Big Move” Blog Post Series

Making changes, especially major ones, can be extremely difficult for highly sensitive people. It’s tempting to stick with what’s comfortable and familiar, even when we may not be completely satisfied. Change is hard, but with desire and determination, it can be done, and I will prove it!

In this series of blog posts,  I chronicle a really “Big Move” that my wife and I made to move halfway across the country to be closer to our daughter. This was a HUGE change for us, as we had lived in our home in New Jersey for over 30 years! My mother had recently passed away, and our only daughter had moved to Missouri. Since neither my wife nor I were getting any younger, we knew that if we didn’t make the change now, it would never happen. (more…)

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