Highly Sensitive People: To Change Or Not To Change?

Being highly sensitive or not, change is extremely challenging. It’s one of the few things in life that is absolutely guaranteed, yet most people are unprepared or unwilling to cope with it. Isn’t this true in this time of worldwide crisis?

Change is a difficult process because it involves letting go of an old situation, be it good or bad. It’s human nature to have anxiety whenever we experience loss or have something new in our lives. As we move out of our comfort zone, the future becomes uncertain, and our angst intensifies. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Do You Take Responsibility For Your Life?

It seems that taking responsibility for one’s actions and one’s life is not a given these days. Is it okay to avoid apologizing in order to appear stronger? Why do so many people feel victimized by their circumstances, and become so discouraged that they don’t seek to improve their lives?

I recently heard on the radio that it’s a sign of weakness to apologize to someone when you make a mistake. Forget about asking for forgiveness! Why does trying to correct an honest mistake make a person appear weak? I’m personally appalled by this kind of thinking. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Is Conventional Wisdom… Really Wisdom?

The ability to listen to and trust our hearts & intuition are the keys to deep, personal wisdom. Highly sensitive people are “hard-wired” to do this work. Do you use your natural abilities?

What is conventional wisdom? Here is my interpretation:

People follow tradition, or what they have been taught, instead of listening to their instinct and heart. It’s not wisdom at all, wisdom is learned and earned over time by personal experience.  (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Are You Too Proud To Ask For Help?

As a highly sensitive person, I try to be self-sufficient and handle my own problems. Sometimes, I feel too proud to ask for help. Can you relate to this?

It’s very easy to get caught up in our problems and become paralyzed with fear, self-doubt, and other destructive feelings that make us feel terrible. This state of mind seems to make our problems bigger than they actually are. The trick to dealing with this sad state of affairs is to be consciously aware of your feelings. There are times when you can take care of pressing issues on your own and other times you need to seek help. (more…)

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