(12) Some Things Are Not Meant To Be!

When you make really big changes in your life, the journey can be both exhilarating and disappointing…sometimes both at once. After selling our house in record time, we couldn’t have been any more excited! This was a major step that brought us closer to our goal of leaving New Jersey and moving near our daughter. We would soon be living the life we had dreamed of for so long. While we still had a long way to go, we were ahead of schedule and feeling full of momentum! Little did we know, disappointment was lurking just around the corner. (more…)

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Find your passion: What makes you come alive?

How many people still have no idea what their passion is? Some spend a lifetime trying to figure out what they want to do, but many more will abandon the endeavor altogether. The idea of discovering your passion can seem like a daunting task, and it’s easy to be skeptical. We may believe it’s unrealistic to think we can support ourselves while doing something you love. Sure, there are exceptions, but that’s not the norm, we tell ourselves. Other excuses may be ‘It’s too late,’ or ‘I don’t have time.‘ Why not explore the possibilities of having your own business? (more…)

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(13) The Importance of Having a Vision

Having a clear vision of what you want can help you overcome obstacles and keep you motivated when times are tough. It will guide you towards opportunities and steer you away from things not meant for you. My wife and I were constantly reminded of this wisdom when we faced the challenge of moving half-way across the country.

After backing out of a deal to purchase a home near our daughter in Missouri, we had no place to live, since our house in New Jersey was already sold. Having limited options, my wife and I temporarily moved in with our daughter, even though this living arrangement was anything but ideal. It was my wife and I, our two cats, and our daughter…all crammed into a small, one-bedroom apartment! It’s amazing that we survived such close proximity without clobbering each other…LOL! (more…)

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Read more about the article Do Highly Sensitive People Need to Find and Follow Their Passion?
Photo by David Calderon

Do Highly Sensitive People Need to Find and Follow Their Passion?

How does your life make you feel? Do you wake each morning looking forward to the day ahead, or do you wish you could bury your head under the covers and stay there? Why not look for that something – a cause, hobby or career – that feels right and sparks joy within you?

“Passion requires focused direction, and that direction must come from three other areas: your purpose, your talents, and your needs.”…Steve Pavlina


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