Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Does The Law Of Attraction Work For You?
Photo by Hal Gatewood

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Does The Law Of Attraction Work For You?

I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction. The law of attraction is a simple concept. If you focus on the positive, you’ll attract the positive. If you focus on the negative, you’ll attract the negative.

Some people think that the Law of Attraction is utterly ridiculous because of the simplicity of this concept. I have found that my attitude does have a big impact on what shows up in my life. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Are You An Optimist Or A Pessimist?

It’s a scientifically proven fact that those who see the world in a “glass half full” kind of way live longer and experience less stress. Doctors claim that a big majority of all of their office calls are for chronic stress-related health woes, so it makes sense that if you see the world with a better mindset, you’d have fewer physical and mental problems.

When researchers at Concordia University conducted a study about pessimists and optimists, they discovered a direct link between the person’s outlook on life and their stress hormone levels. An optimist’s levels are steady, while a pessimist’s soars out of control and become unmanageable. (more…)

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do You Get The Best Out Of Yourself?
Photo by Gentrit Sylejmani

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do You Get The Best Out Of Yourself?

Do you do the best with what you have? I read an interesting article by Stephen Pelletier, who was an executive vice president and CEO of Prudential Insurance. He recalled his experience attending the 2014 USA Games of the Special Olympics in New Jersey.

Mr. Pelletier’s thoughts are as follows:

The talents that were showcased were inspirational and served as reminders that disabled people should be given an opportunity to thrive in the workplace.

My son, Tom, a participant in the Special Olympics, has received a medal in swimming. He is nearly blind and was diagnosed on the autism spectrum as an infant. Tom is also an accomplished chef and a skilled technologist who knows his way around a computer far better than his father does. (more…)

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Can you shift from sorrow to joy?
Photo by Sydney Sims

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Can you shift from sorrow to joy?

We’re all periodically visited by joy and sorrow in our lives. What we do with these experiences set apart the survivors from those who suffer or hold back. If you’ve never let yourself fully experience sadness, you’re missing one of the great character-building elements in your life. If you’ve never fully embraced joy, you’re missing one of the most potent building blocks to success and true happiness.

Grief is a normal part of life, the same as birth and deaths, but if you dwell too much on the sad times, you’ll never get to experience the joy that life has to offer. Sorrow can turn you into a bitter person and ruin what chances you have at true love and abundance. It can keep you from attracting positive forces that will enhance your life.

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