Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Where were you on 9/11/01?
Photo by Beerta Maini

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Where were you on 9/11/01?

Where were you on 9/11/01? I realize that some of you weren’t born or lived in another country, but I felt compelled to summarize the events that happened that day to tell you the important lessons that I learned. This is a question that many of us may be contemplating on yet another sad anniversary of that fateful day. It’s hard to believe all the years that have passed since that beautiful sunny day when the skies suddenly filled with fire and smoke, buildings collapsed, and people were running for their lives.

I was in Jersey City, New Jersey. The weather was perfect, and it seemed like it was going to be a normal and pleasant day. At 8:45 am, all of that changed. I heard on my car radio that a World Trade Center building had been struck by an airplane. (more…)

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People: Am I Being Too “Sensitive” About This Pet Peeve?
Photo by Neringa Sidauskaite

Highly Sensitive People: Am I Being Too “Sensitive” About This Pet Peeve?

I read something recently about men posing with dogs on dating online sites. It turns out that they didn't actually own these dogs! They were trying to attract women through the false pretense that they were dog owners. I've been out of the dating scene for over forty years. Am I being too "sensitive" to believe that this is reprehensible behavior? I definitely have a pet peeve about this! I realize that this is a little thing to be bothered about compared to the rest of the problems of the world, but this is troubling to me. Don't these people realize that they'll be caught in this lie? Is this a good way to start an honest relationship? I guess I'm old-fashioned about how people…

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do you seek happiness?
Photo by S.B Vonlanthen

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do you seek happiness?

Are you looking for happiness and not finding it? It’s very possible that you are just looking in the wrong places. All you really have to do is listen to your heart in order to find happiness.

Every one of us has the ability to love and be happy. It just takes some people more work and a conscious effort to uncover what it is that makes them really happy. (more…)

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Read more about the article Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Where do you find your inspiration?
Photo by Annie Spratt

Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Where do you find your inspiration?

It’s important that highly sensitive people and introverts exercise their natural resource of creativity in order to feel fulfilled. The more creativity you express, the more happiness you will feel, which will enhance your self-esteem.

I find my inspiration from everywhere! Like most highly sensitive people, I’m aware of everything around me. I carefully listen to what other people say, read lots of articles and books, and am a constant observer of human nature. I never know where my inspiration may come from, but I’m always open to it. (more…)

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