#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you need a better perspective on being highly sensitive?

People constantly write to me and keep saying that they wished that they weren’t highly sensitive. Being on the high side of being highly sensitive, I never thought this way. What’s the purpose of trying to be or wishing to be something that you’re not? Do you need a different perspective on being highly sensitive? Here are some quotes to help you: (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: I’ve been self-diagnosed with PPOS!

You haven't heard of it? It's called Perpetually Pissed Off Syndrome. It's not a recognized medical diagnosois, I made it up. I'm not sure if this is a highly sensitive person trait or not, but it's really true for me! It can strike anyone at any time. It's not fatal, but it can shorten your lifespan. The primary symptoms are unrelenting cynicism and little patience for anyone or anything. PPOS will make your life miserable!  I'm bothered by the seemingly lack of caring of others to do what they are supposed to do. I spend countless hours correcting other people's mistakes. It's frustrating that it's impossible to talk to anyone.  If you do, it's a miracle that the problem gets fixed the first time. Can…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you take advantage of these important highly sensitive person traits?

Do you take advantage of these important highly sensitive person traits? Here's some information that will get you to think more about this question. Shark Tank judge Robert Herjavec shared some business insights with Steve Strauss of USA Today. Q: You started with so little and became incredibly successful in business. What do you think you did right? Robert Herjavec: There really is no silver bullet. What it took, and what it takes, is constant perseverance. You have to strive to be a little bit better every day. When I was a waiter, I wanted to be the best waiter I could be and worked to be better at it every day. You know, eventually we all get our asses kicked, so what you have…

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Highly Sensitive People: What’s so good about being highly sensitive?

What’s so good about being highly sensitive? I pose this question because, based on the correspondence that I receive and what I see on online forums, I find that too many people focus on the negative side of this inherited character trait.

I try to accentuate the positive aspects of life, although it’s difficult sometimes. I’d like to shed some positive light on being a highly sensitive person. Being highly sensitive isn’t a choice but a natural way of being. Why not make the best of what you’ve got? (more…)

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