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#HighlySensitivePeople#Introverts: Highly Sensitive? Introverted? Socially Anxious? It’s Time to Shut Down Negative Thinking—for Good!

Highly Sensitive? Introverted? Socially Anxious? It’s Time to Shut Down Negative Thinking—for Good!

Do you have negative thoughts? I do. And let’s be real—so do you. You’ve been trained to. Society thrives on making us doubt ourselves. Especially if you’re highly sensitive, introverted, or socially anxious, you’ve been handed a script that says: You’re too much. You’re too quiet. You’re too sensitive. You’re not enough. I do!

I try to minimize them as much as I can.  It’s human nature to have more negative thoughts than positive ones. Negative thoughts are things that none of us really want to have, but we all seem to get at some point. Whether it’s about ourselves, the things we’re doing, our jobs or other people, it’s difficult to get rid of negative thoughts once they enter our minds.

Here are some suggestions that I use to stop negative thoughts: 

Focus on the positive. Even if you don’t have any negative thoughts at the moment, you can help to keep them away by focusing on positive things. Throughout the day, think about the things you like about yourself and your life.

Do things that boost your confidence. Whether it’s the confidence you feel about yourself or the confidence to do different things and take the plunge, building on your own self-confidence is never a bad thing. Go out of your way to do things that will take you out of your comfort zone and give your self-esteem a boost.

Spend time with positive people. The people you associate with will have a big effect on the way you feel about life in general. If you surround yourself with people who are consistently negative, you will start to feel negative about more things. If you spend time with positive people, you will feel more positive about your life.

Have regular alone and think time.  Take a moment to breathe and think about your life. Giving yourself this time each day, or even just a couple of times a week, will help you to promote positive thoughts and get rid of any negative thoughts which you might be holding onto. Stop feeling guilty for needing solitude. This is where you recharge, gain clarity, and reset your thoughts. Make it a non-negotiable.

Try talk therapy. Talk therapy is a great way to let go of any negative thoughts and get some things off your chest. While counsellors will offer this service to you, many people like to get a form of talk therapy from friends and family. If there is someone you trust, talk to them about some of your problems and negative thoughts. Venting your frustrations to an internet group of like-minded people who you trust is another way to go.

Negative thoughts aren’t going anywhere. But they don’t have to run your life. You get to decide who’s in charge—you or your doubts.

What’s your biggest struggle with negative thoughts? Drop a comment—I do respond! And if this hit home, share it. Someone else needs to hear it too.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What small step can you take today toward something that excites you?  If my words have made you feel seen, imagine the impact it could have on someone else like you. Share it with those who need it most using the buttons below—or join the conversation by leaving a comment. I read and respond to every comment because your voice matters.

And if you’re ready to go deeper, I invite you to join my community, and get my free e-book17 Powerful Tips To Help You Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person. packed with practical advice to embrace your sensitivity, recharge your energy, and find calm in an overwhelming world. Plus, my monthly newsletter delivers encouragement and strategies to help you navigate life in your own quiet, powerful way. Let’s thrive together. 








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