#HighlySensitivePeople#Introverts: Do You Actually Forgive Yourself, or Do You Just Punish Yourself Forever?

Do You Actually Forgive Yourself, or Do You Just Punish Yourself Forever? Self-forgiveness is one of the hardest things for me. I hold myself to impossible standards, and when I fall short, the self-blame kicks in. Hard. Can you relate? We all have things we regret. A moment of weakness, a poor decision, a time we let someone down. Maybe you hurt someone you love. Maybe you made a mistake you can’t undo. Maybe you are the mistake, or at least that’s what your inner critic tells you. But here’s a question that hit me like a ton of bricks:At what point does guilt stop being "accountability" and start being self-inflicted suffering? We wouldn’t sentence someone else to a lifetime of shame and self-loathing, so…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you afraid of feeling or looking foolish?

It's always been a fear of mine to feel or appear looking foolish. This stems from my underlying feeling of insecurity. As I get older,  life experience has taught me to have more confidence in my thoughts about myself and the actions that I take. Are you afraid of feeling or looking foolish? Why so? What can you do to help yourself? I'm interested in any thoughts or comments that you have. This is a quote that I wish I would have read in my younger years that puts this subject in a greater perspective: "One of the great mistakes in life is suffering for years because you didn't want to feel foolish for five minutes. You don't want to apologize, so you let a…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you suffering from a lack of time?

Do you lack enough time to do the things that you'd like to do?  I suffer from this trap. In order to combat this, I take the time to think about the things that I can eliminate to clear the way for more productive tasks. What do you do to to make more time for the activities that you enjoy? I'm interested in any thoughts or comments that you have. Here's a quote to think about: “Lack of time is actually a lack of priorities. “    Tim Ferriss If you find my content useful, I would appreciate it if you would share it with others! Feel free to use the share buttons below, or to add your comments to this post. I do respond to comments!…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Don’t know where to start?

Is your life sometimes overwhelming.? Do you get confused and don't know what to do? I focus on what's most important to me and take small steps. I seek help to clarify my thoughts to figure this out. What do you do? I'm interested in any thoughts or comments that you have. Here's a simple quote to get you started: “Start where you are.”  Robert J. Collier If you find my content useful, I would appreciate it if you would share it with others! Feel free to use the share buttons below, or to add your comments to this post. I do respond to comments! Join my community, and get my free e-book and monthly newsletters, 17 Powerful Tips To Help You Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person.…

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