#HighlySensitivePeople: Are you an energy conservationist?

Are you an energy conservationist? By that, I mean, do you know your energy drains that deplete your energy? If not, how can you conserve your energy? Here are some examples of some of my energy drains and what you can do about them:

  • Unnecessary chit-chat— Unless there is a major event happening, we can’t be available to just chat at all hours. Set boundaries for yourself about how much chat time that you need. Socializing is extremely important, so is quiet time that we highly sensitive people/introverts need. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you believe in alternative healing practices?

Do you believe in alternative healing practices? I do. I have personally benefited from acupuncture, chiropractic, hydrotheraphy treatment , and massage therapy.

Here are some alternative and complimentary healing practices for you to consider:

  • Acupressure:  Practitioners use their hands, elbows or feet to apply pressure to points along the body’s “meridians.” Meridians are channels that carry life energy (qi or chi) throughout the body. This reasoning holds that illness can occur when a meridian is blocked or out of balance. Acupressure is thought to relieve blockages, so energy can flow freely again, restoring wellness. More research is needed, but some pilot studies have found positive results: Acupressure might decrease nausea for chemotherapy patients and reduce anxiety in people scheduled to have surgery. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: What Are Your Biggest Obstacles For Achievement?

I know from personal experience of being a highly sensitive person that the biggest obstacles for achievement are fear and pessimism. Since these roadblocks originate in the mind, it’s important to examine our recurring thought patterns.

Are your thoughts usually positive, or do you focus on the worst that can happen? Does change frighten you? Are you open to new ways of thinking and doing things? These are important questions to answer. Unless we examine our thoughts, we can easily get trapped in old, familiar patterns that don’t serve us. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Does honesty really improve health?

Benjamin Franklin once quipped that “honesty was the best policy.” It certainly builds better personal and business relationships. Those are great benefits, but are there more?

Yes! Honesty also improves health. Even researchers now are studying the effects, including Anita E. Kelly, a psychology professor at the University of Notre Dame. Kelly conducted a study called “The Science of Honesty” to determine how living an honest life impacts health. (more…)

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