Highly Sensitive People: How Do You See Yourself?

As a highly sensitive person, how do you really see yourself? Do you understand what makes you “tick?” What motivates you? What pushes your emotional and physical “buttons?” The answers to these questions and how you act and react to life situations will determine the quality and richness of your life.

Fifteen years ago, I found out that I was a highly sensitive person. I thought that I knew myself well. I didn’t! The adult education class that I attended, called “Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?”, was a real eye opener for me. I was relieved to find out that there was nothing wrong with me. This class was life changing. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: What Do You Expect?

As a highly sensitive person, I expect everything to be perfect! Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. Do you have positive or negative expectations? What expectations do you have about yourself, other people, business and personal events, and life in general. Your attitude determines the positive or negative results that you get. The amount of happiness you have is determined by your ability to expect the best in every situation. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: If You Want To Be A Writer…Write…Right?

I was amazed at the response of how many highly sensitive people who told me that they want to write a book, but couldn’t finish it or they wanted to just write, but didn’t have the confidence or time to put their words to paper. Another major reason people don’t write is because they are afraid of criticism.  I would like to offer you more encouragement to write, even if it’s only for your own enjoyment. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Why Can’t You Write?

Many highly sensitive people as well as others would like to write a book. Why can’t you write? You may have a multitude of reasons why you feel that you can’t. I would guess that most of those reason’s are self-imposed. Come on, let’s be honest…Isn’t this accurate?

You may think that you don’t have enough time, you’re emotionally or physically aren’t up to it,  you’re afraid of being judged, you feel that you don’t know how to write, my husband, wife, children, or pets, etc., won’t let me. Have I left anything out? (more…)

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