#HighlySensitivePeople/Introverts: What’s Wrong With Being Different? Absolutely Nothing!

What’s Wrong with Being Different? Absolutely Nothing! There’s nothing wrong with being different. The real problem is that we live in a world obsessed with “normal”—a made-up standard designed to keep people small, quiet, and easy to categorize. But here’s the truth: “normal” is boring. It’s overrated. As a highly sensitive person, introvert, and have social anxiety, I spent years feeling self-conscious for not fitting in. Why? Because society trains us to believe that if we don’t match the mold—if we’re too emotional, too quiet, too reflective—we’re somehow flawed. I felt different as a child, painfully aware of every glance, every word. I was tall for my age, awkward, teased for standing out when all I wanted was to blend in. I wasn’t popular. I…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do you need tips to be a more confident person?

Below is a list of tips to boost your self-confidence from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprising the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. Strengthen your mind. Self-confidence is a state of mind that can be achieved through intentional action. Allotting time to nurture your mind, body and spirit (preferably one hour a day) can be done in a variety of ways. I prefer to read, exercise and meditate in the morning. If you’re not taking time for yourself, then you’re allowing someone or something to shape your view of the world.  —Dustin Cucciarre, BryghtAds Inc. Discard the negative thoughts you don’t need. A whole new branch of psychology is dedicated to mindfulness, but it boils down to this: Negative thoughts and insecurities…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: How do you feel about being criticized?

Who likes to be criticized? As a highly sensitive person and introvert, the scary feeling of being judged is intensified, as is the pain of  being humiliated.

I had a grammar school teacher criticize me in front of the class. It had a long lasting affect about the way I felt about school. I was afraid to go to class and was never a good student. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Does Shyness Hold You Back?

As a highly sensitive person with shyness tendencies, I never let that hinder my ability to accomplish living life on my own terms. It’s true that if you let shyness get the best of your desires and keep you from even trying, you’ll never know what you can accomplish. But what if you just did it ? What would happen if you put your face out there and let others know who you really are? (more…)

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