Highly Sensitive People: Are you bored?
It’s extremely important for highly sensitive people to keep their minds, bodies, and abilities in sync. A state of boredom is a certain sign that we are allowing some of our talents to lie idle or rust. A unfulfilling job or career, a personal relationship, lack of interests, or a need for new ones could be symptoms of our boredom. Maybe you feel that you need a change of scenery. Perhaps you might like to move to a different state or country. Boredom symbolizes a state of unrest.
It’s not unusual to experience boredom, but it shouldn’t be long-lasting. Chronic boredom can have many serious consequences. It often leads to heightened feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and even depression. In its most destructive form, boredom can lead to drug abuse, gambling addiction, sexual promiscuity, alcoholism, and excessive spending habits. When people, especially young people, are bored and don’t have direction in their lives, they turn to violence and crime. (more…)