#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Get In Your Own Way?

Do you get in your own way? If so, you might be your own worst enemy. I’m guilty of wanting to do something and then talking myself out of it by coming up with a million reasons as to why it’s a bad idea. Do you sabotage yourself? If so, why so? The answer lies in one word….FEAR!

Our fearful thoughts and negative beliefs act as a barrier to getting what we want. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we sabotage our own opportunities. Below are some signs of self-sabotage: (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Overthink?

Do you overthink? I know this is a funny question to ask a highly sensitive person. I definitely do! I’m making a conscious effort to eradicate this habit because it makes me crazy.

Highly sensitive people tend to be over-analyzers. It’s fine to analyze something, but it becomes counterproductive to overdo it. Ruminating over possible solutions raises anxiety and lessens our ability to solve problems.

When I overthink something, it’s often because I’m trying to make a “perfect” decision. I have to keep reminding myself that there’s no perfect decision. Being a perfectionist just keeps me stuck in perpetual disappointment. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Can You Learn From Negative Past Experiences?

My childhood feelings about a difficult grammar school teacher who embarrassed me in front of the class had a profound negative influence on me. I was never a good student and was always afraid to go to school. This is an example of “personal baggage” that we all have to carry around. I got rid of this personal baggage as I became a young adult. My thirst for knowledge intensified when I consumed as much self-help information on topics that I was interested in.

There comes a point in everyone’s life when we have to let go of this burden or keep carrying it around. What good does it do to keep alive a bad experience or harbor resentment against someone who has wronged us? (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Need To Explain Your High Sensitivity?

I never thought I needed to explain my high sensitivity. If something bothered or irritated me that I was very “sensitive” to, I would let that person know I wasn’t happy. Sometimes I handled it in a proper and calm way and explained why something bothered me. I didn’t mention my sensitivity.

More times than I’d like to admit, I didn’t handle it in a civilized manner. If someone commented that I was “too sensitive” about something, I would retort “Yes, I am sensitive, and I don’t like what you said” in a not so nice tone of voice. I would then explain what was bothering me. Hey, I never said I was perfect! Although we highly sensitive people try to be. Why is that? (more…)

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