#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Have Trouble Making Changes?

With 2021 here, you may be reminiscing about events that happened in 2020 or anticipating what lies ahead this year. Like the start of a New Year, our lives are marked by many different changes. There are career and job transitions that we may have to think about as a result of an unpredictable economy. Relationships may change or end, by our choice or not, and we may need to move on. A loss of a loved one is particularly stressful and may give us a negative outlook on life. Transitions evoke strong emotions such as anxiety, rejection, curiosity, excitement, anticipation, fear, anger, and loss. The way we have experienced beginnings and endings earlier in our lives profoundly influences the way we experience them later…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Would You Like To Make A Fresh Start?

Happy New Year Everyone! Are you ready for a fresh start or want to improve upon your current circumstances? If you’re like most people, you probably have aspects of your life that you wish could be different.

It’s a good practice to check in with yourself on a regular basis. The beginning of a new year is a perfect opportunity to take stock of your life, though it doesn’t have to be the only time you do this. Think about making improvements that will enhance your life throughout the year. What will make you feel better about yourself and your life circumstances? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People/Introverts: Do You Resolve To Be Better?

I am a firm believer in making resolutions throughout the year. Taking stock of where you are and where you want to go can help you summon the courage to change your life for the better.

Unfortunately though, most resolutions are short-lived. I think the reason they fail is because most people don’t think their resolutions through and then follow them up with specific goals and action plans with a time element involved. (more…)

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Cliff’s Priority #3 Doing what I was meant to do.

One of my priorities is to discover and fulfill my ever-evolving life purpose. At this stage, I feel that my “mission” is to create useful and inspiring content for highly sensitive people. Drawing upon my personal experience as a HSP, I want to help others realize that high sensitivity, once you understand it, can be used to your advantage. My goal is to emphasize the strengths of high sensitivity and to encourage others to work with what they have.

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