Highly Sensitive People: Do You Believe In The Power Of Purpose?

As a highly sensitive person, we have the unique ability of deep-thinking and reflection. This uncertain time gives us the opportunity to use our idle time to think about our purpose and how we can help others.

I believe the power of purpose has given me the strength and perseverance to accomplish something that I never thought was possible. A burning desire to fully utilize my talents and help others has made my life happier and more productive.

The day of April 12th is very significant to me. April 12th, 1923 was the day of my father’s birth and April 12th , 2005 was the date that I discovered that I was a highly sensitive person. I always knew that I was very sensitive, but I didn’t realize that my highly sensitive nature had a specific cause. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: If You Want To Be A Writer…Write…Right?

I was amazed at the response of how many highly sensitive people who told me that they want to write a book, but couldn’t finish it or they wanted to just write, but didn’t have the confidence or time to put their words to paper. Another major reason people don’t write is because they are afraid of criticism.  I would like to offer you more encouragement to write, even if it’s only for your own enjoyment. (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Why Can’t You Write?

Many highly sensitive people as well as others would like to write a book. Why can’t you write? You may have a multitude of reasons why you feel that you can’t. I would guess that most of those reason’s are self-imposed. Come on, let’s be honest…Isn’t this accurate?

You may think that you don’t have enough time, you’re emotionally or physically aren’t up to it,  you’re afraid of being judged, you feel that you don’t know how to write, my husband, wife, children, or pets, etc., won’t let me. Have I left anything out? (more…)

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Highly Sensitive People: Would You Like To Be Self-Employed?

I often hear from highly sensitive people who say they want to be self-employed. Self-employment is a great option for us, though it is definitely not for everyone. Self-employment allows you to work at your own pace and in an environment of your choosing. However, it also requires ambition, persistence, planning, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

Below are some suggestions for coming up with a business opportunity. (more…)

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