#HighlySensitivePeople: A Good Response To “You’re So Quiet”!

I read a Miss Manners newspaper column about a man who was upset when people mentioned to him that he was so quiet. He said that he was not good at conversation and was frustrated, self-conscious, and embarrassed that he felt he had to defend himself. He asked Miss Manner how he should react. Have you ever felt this way? With some people who I don’t have a lot in common with, I do. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Have A Sense Of Urgency?

Do you have a sense of urgency? I do! I probably have triple the amount of a sense of urgency than most people. This doesn’t make me a better person, but I get frustrated when I and others don’t give their best effort.

My definition of a sense of urgency is a burning desire to accomplish something in a time-efficient and organized way. This doesn’t mean in a perfect way, but in an honest effort kind of way. In my personal and business pursuits, I find that many people don’t share my feelings. They don’t place as high a value on accomplishment and efficiency. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: How Do You Keep Up A Positive Attitude?

I’m not feeling as good as I would like after my surgery. It’s very frustrating! Part of my frustration is because I’m impatient and the other reason is because of my attitude and my unrealistic expectations of the healing process. Healing takes time and everyone is different. There’s no timetable for how long it takes. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: I Escaped A Serious Health Issue!

I hadn’t been feeling well, having brain fog and feeling tired and weak, since February 12th, that was getting progressively worse. I haven’t posted anything on the internet since then. On a regular doctor’s appointment, I was told that I had an irregular heartbeat that needed to be monitored for 30 days. After that 30 day period my doctor suspected something wasn’t right and wanted me to continue to be on the heart monitor for an additional 30 days. A few weeks later my doctor called me and told me that I had to go immediately to the hospital emergency room!! He found a dangerous life threatening irregular heartbeat that needed to be monitored in the hospital. I was in the hospital for 12 days.


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