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#HighlySensitivePeople#Introverts: Do You Actually Forgive Yourself, or Do You Just Punish Yourself Forever?

Do You Actually Forgive Yourself, or Do You Just Punish Yourself Forever?

Self-forgiveness is one of the hardest things for me. I hold myself to impossible standards, and when I fall short, the self-blame kicks in. Hard.

Can you relate?

We all have things we regret. A moment of weakness, a poor decision, a time we let someone down. Maybe you hurt someone you love. Maybe you made a mistake you can’t undo. Maybe you are the mistake, or at least that’s what your inner critic tells you.

But here’s a question that hit me like a ton of bricks:
At what point does guilt stop being “accountability” and start being self-inflicted suffering?

We wouldn’t sentence someone else to a lifetime of shame and self-loathing, so why do we do it to ourselves? Highly sensitive people, introverts, and those with social anxiety tend to internalize guilt deeply. We overanalyze, replay, and ruminate, believing that if we let go of the guilt, we’re somehow excusing what happened. But that’s a lie.

Holding onto guilt doesn’t make you a better person.
It just keeps you stuck in the past, unable to heal.

So what if, instead of punishing yourself endlessly, you tried this:

Face the weight of what’s haunting you. Be brutally honest. What happened? What are you afraid it says about you? Shame thrives in secrecy—bring it into the open.

Rewrite the story in your mind. If you could go back, what would you do differently? This isn’t about regret—it’s about learning. Growth. Making sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Accept what you can’t change. You can’t alter the past. You can alter how you carry it forward.

Make things right—if possible. Apologize. Make amends. If direct amends aren’t possible, find a way to create meaning from the pain. Service, kindness, or simply choosing to be better.

Give yourself permission to move forward. Say it out loud:
“I don’t have to keep suffering. I am allowed to heal.”

Forgiveness isn’t weakness. It’s not saying, “What I did was okay.” It’s saying, “I am more than my worst moment.”

So I’ll ask you again: Are you actually trying to forgive yourself, or are you just punishing yourself over and over?

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And if you’re ready to go deeper, I invite you to join my community, and get my free e-book17 Powerful Tips To Help You Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person. packed with practical advice to embrace your sensitivity, recharge your energy, and find calm in an overwhelming world. Plus, my monthly newsletter delivers encouragement and strategies to help you navigate life in your own quiet, powerful way. Let’s thrive together. 


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Franne

    Wow this is so spot on! Yes, I do that! I’m so grateful for this information and will put it to good use immediately. I’m an HSP and an empath so it’s a double whammy for me. I will be keeping this front of mind goo going forward. Thank you!!’

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