Read more about the article Highly Sensitive/Introverts: Do You Have The Courage To Be Your True Self?
Photo by Joyce McCown

Highly Sensitive/Introverts: Do You Have The Courage To Be Your True Self?

I’m a highly sensitive person that has many introverted characteristics. Social anxiety has always been a challenge for me. I went above my comfort zone when I facilitated over 40 HSP Meetup Groups through in- person meetings and teleconferences.

I had grown as a person by doing this. I learned that with some preparation and not being afraid to do something scary, that I could do something that I had a passion to do.

You can develop more courage when you learn more about yourself. You can do this by trying different things that you’re interested in, by reading, going to seminars, joining in-person groups,  participating in online groups where you can meet other people who share your interests, and talking to like-minded people. (more…)

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Where can you find your best “teachers?”

As highly sensitive people, most of us have a natural curiosity about the world and have a passion for learning. Sometimes we may want to explore something, but have no idea where to start. The good news is that there are “teachers” all around us.

They come disguised as people from all walks of life. Life lessons may arise from everyday situations that happen to us, both good and bad. Your next teacher could be a neighbor, friend, co-worker,  acquaintance, hairdresser, or even a stranger that you strike up a conversation with on the train. (more…)

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Some Thoughts About Choosing a Career For a Highly Sensitive Person

It seems that career choice, career change, either forced or self-imposed, is always a timely topic. Some important questions to consider include: Can you incorporate your passion into your work life? Would you like to pursue another line of work? Are you burnt out? Are you bored? Would you like to start your own business? (more…)

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Read more about the article Want to stop indecision?
Photo by Justin Luebke

Want to stop indecision?

Decision making can definitely be a challenge for highly sensitive people! As highly conscientious, deep- thinking people, we may overthink decisions or feel overwhelmed by the many options and outcomes.  Below is an excellent article on the topic, which outlines how important state of mind is when it comes to making decisions.

Stop the Indecision: How to Eliminate Bad Habits that Cloud Your Thinking By Luda Kopeikina

You know how you feel when you have a “light bulb” moment—when suddenly the solution to a problem becomes crystal clear. What if those were regular occurrences instead of elusive moments? (more…)

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