#HighlySensitivePeople: Can You Really Change Yourself?

There are lots of theories out there about people’s ability to change themselves. Some think it’s entirely impossible, others think it can be possible in small increments, and others think it’s possible with hard work.

Can you change yourself? The short answer to this question is yes, you can change yourself. It takes hard work, diligent effort, focus, dedication, and strength to change yourself, but it is possible. The thing is, it’s far from easy. (more…)

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You Tired Of Spinning Your Wheels?

Do you ever feel like you're running in circles on the "hamster wheel" of life? For many of us, it's easy to fall into the habit of doing the same thing over and over, even though our actions aren't producing the results we want. It can be difficult to break out of our normal routines and patterns of thinking. Why do we persist on the same path and expect different results? My theory is that we prefer to stick with what's comfortable and familiar, so that we can avoid the anxiety of making a change. We subconsciously value our comfort more than getting what we want. Thus, we soldier on, each time crossing our fingers, and hoping for a better outcome. A much more effective…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Are You Energy Deprived?

It's been said that we're living in the worst energy crisis of all time. The crisis of personal energy! We're constantly stressed and pulled in more directions than ever before. This whirlwind pace depletes our energy at an alarming rate! Managing your personal energy has never been more critical. Doctors say that the number one complaint of their patients is, "I have no energy." There can be a number of reasons for lack of energy, but most of the time it has nothing to do with a medical condition. Chronic fatigue may be linked to emotional causes such as a difficult or abusive relationship, lack of passion, or being a caregiver to a parent or child. The first step in finding the cause of your…

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#HighlySensitivePeople: Do You Have Demanding People In Your Life?

Do you have demanding people in your life? I know that this is a ridiculous question for me to ask. Everyone does! They come disguised in many forms. It could be a relative, family member, friend, boss, co-worker, customers, or someone who we casually come in contact with such as in a grocery store. Have I left anyone out? Feel free to add to the list!

Have you ever wished that you didn’t have to deal with people all the time? I know that I have. There are some people who cause me to have anxiety, frustration, anger, and in some cases cause me to be just like them…DEMANDING, UNREASONABLE, AND DIFFICULT TO BE AROUND. Can anyone relate to my plight? (more…)

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